Main page > About Us > Services for members

Services for members

  • Lobbying – in terms of state bodies in favour of farmers.
  • Information service - once a week association members receive comprehensive reports with up-to-date information from the field of legislation, grants, price analyses and statistics, and also sometimes politics, economics etc.
  • Legal consultation - members of the association have the opportunity to contact the legal department of the association in legal matters.
  • Ensuring of brokerage activity between suppliers of inputs and association members in order to reduce costs for agricultural production - as a result of membership the association members have a right to discounts and better conditions from some suppliers.
  • Holding of seminars and training - the association and its territorial organisations organise seminars and training sessions for its members intended to increase the standard of management and employees of the association members.
  • Assistance to members of the association in dealing with occupational health and safety at work and other tasks arising from the Labour Code and other legal regulations.
  • Consultation in the environmental field - members can contact the association with a request for information and advice in the environmental field, which is dealt with on an ad hoc basis.
  • Organisation of foreign and sight-seeing trips - the association and its territorial organisations organise foreign trips for members of the association and their employees.
  • Conclusion of higher level collective agreement - every year the association concludes a higher-level collective agreement with trade unions. This is then expanded to all the farming businesses in the Czech Republic. In this role, the association attempts to inhibit and implement the requirements of the unions, mainly in the area of wage rises.
  • Preparation of young people for management positions - via the Association of Young Managers the associationorganises meetings, training sessions, seminars, foreign trips and experience sharing for young workers of the member businesses of the association and so prepares them for management and leading positions.
  • Commenting on legislation and attempt to reduce bureaucracy and administration - the association regularly informs the association members about the prepared changes in legislation with possibility of commenting on the specified proposals.
  • Help to members when seeking out new employees - the association publishes members’ offers of employment on its internet pages.
  • Legislative information service (about current changes) - in a supplement to the regular post the association sends its members a monthly overview of all the legal regulations which have been published in the Collection of Statutes in the given calendar month (including internet links to their wording).
  • Training in IT skills - for members training may be organised for use of the internet, MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook).